Thursday, April 25, 2013

Springing into Green Landscapes

 Photo of Wine Bar on St. Clair

It’s spring but you wouldn’t know it as I piled on my winter running apparel this morning. After volunteering at the Cleveland International Film Festival, I was ready to hit the streets and breathe in that crisp, fresh morning air. In just two weeks, I was tired and out of shape. But, I was determined to stick it out and run my usual route - Euclid Beach Park. 

It seems to me it has been a long winter season. Not too long ago, I was running along the pier and was faced with giant, frozen sculptures that were once waves. Hurricane Sandy, and blizzard conditions where I ran in place trying to make my way forward.  Everyone was in hibernation; Not a sole in the streets where I would run past. My only friend was the howling wind and snow gusts saying Hello.

Now, the waves cautiously glide along the littered, rocky beach. I was curious so I ran to the water’s edge; to my surprise, the lake was not too cold. Soon, families will pull out their blankets and sit and watch those waves move rhythmically along the beach. A smile will appear on every child’s face as the blistering sun warms their skin as they walk out of the water.

What I love about spring is the lush green lawns that have appeared out of nowhere; the daffodils already in full bloom and the tulips not far behind; the cherry blossom trees so heavy with flowers that you just stare in awe. The birds chirping and geese swimming along the lake as though winter never occurred. The earth awakens in breathtaking color.

It’s those small things that fills me with joy. The winter helps me appreciate the spring thaw when nature wakes up - turning our landscape from brown to green to yellow to pink. Everyone is in the yard raking up dead leaves and filling the lawnmower with gas for that first cut - I love the smell of freshly cut grass. Images of growth and revival that nature provides us; life cycles over and over again.

Not thinking that Cleveland’s weather changes daily. I enthusiastically planted seeds in my tiny garden - string beans and peas. A few days later, snow flurries appeared. That is the way it goes but it’s April and it won’t last. The warmth will cycle again as it always does.  

Why I adore the warm weather - everyone is out and about. Neighbors walking around and exchanging ideas. The lawnmower sounds fill the air. Everyone is in a good mood; parties and festivals are all over town. And, it doesn’t get dark until 9PM, where your energy level is over the top. There is something to do every single day; if you can’t find something to do you can always walk to your neighborhood eatery and sit outside.

The warm weather is a precursor of being friendly even if you don’t feel like it. You walk or ride your bike, and you just feel alive breathing in those new smells. Make a new friend, and/or go to a new place you haven’t been. Spring and summer is a time to get out there and explore. If you can’t find anything to do, you haven’t tried hard enough.

What I’m looking forward to the this year: Wade Oval Wednesdays; GardenWalk; Waterloo Arts Festival; North Collinwood neighborhood lake concerts; Beach Blast; The Cleveland Museum of Art Solstice Party; - that is a very small sampling of the cool things coming up.

I can’t wait.

Wade Oval Wednesday June 12

Garden Walk June 22 & 23

The Cleveland Museum of Art Solstice Party - June 22

11th Annual Waterloo Arts Festival - June 29

Beach Blast - August 3rd - Euclid Beach - Like the facebook page

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